Claim Process

We Thoroughly Research Your Unclaimed Funds

First, we research the claim to discover who the legal claimant is. Then, we thoroughly research any other lien holders who could possibly claim a portion or even all of the funds.

We Prepare The Paperwork and File Your Claim

We will send you a few pages of documents to be signed. We then put the complete claims package together and file the claim with the proper agency. We cover all expenses and legal fees.

We Fight For Your Claim

We continually follow up with the agency throughout the whole process to keep the claim moving forward and to respond to any additional requests made by the agency.

We Ensure Your Claim Money Is In Your Hands

Once the agency approves the claim, we then notify you of the good news. The agency will send out a check and we will send you your funds within 10 days, or sooner.

FM Asset Recovery

Get Your Refund Claim Started